For Physicians
how to refer
Fax all referrals to our office Fax Number at 918-512-4082. This includes the prescription for treatment and your patient's most recent clinical notes stating the need for therapeutic treatment.
Our office will call the patient to schedule the evaluation. If we are unable to contact the patient or if the parent will decline the referral, we will notify your office.
Once the patient's evaluation is complete, we will send you a copy of the Plan of Care to your office for your Medical Records.
General information for referrals
Prescriptions for therapeutic treatment are valid for 365 days if "evaluate and treat for Speech/Occupational Therapy for 12 months" is written on the script
Prescriptions for evaluations are only valid for 90 days
Any Prescriptions sent to our office must include:
Patient Name
Provider Signature
Date of Prescription
Diagnosis Code
"Evaluate and treat for (Speech/Occupational) Therapy for 12 months"
Must include all office/doctor notes with reason for referral stated
Please update all contact information prior to sending a referral
Requesting educational information for your clinic
We understand parents often have questions about what to expect for pediatric outpatient treatment. If you would like educational material to offer your patients, we can supply them for you!
Please email us to have BHPT Pamphlets delivered to your clinic.